Developed by renowned scientists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe, the Life Stress Inventory is the leading scale in the field of psychology for measuring the link between stress and illness.
Whether you score high or low on the stress inventory, it’s good to have an idea about the role stress can play in your life.
Select each life event that you’ve experienced in the past year.
A score of 150 or less suggests low susceptibility of experiencing a health breakdown. It’s important to note that this can be a temporary reflection of your stress level and can change over time.
While a score of 150 to 300 suggests a 50% chance of experience a health breakdown, it’s important to note that this can be a temporary reflection of your stress level and can change in response to actions you might take.
While a score of 300 or more suggests an 80% chance of experiencing a health breakdown, it’s important to note that this can be a temporary reflection of your stress level and can change in response to actions you might take.